Design Principles
The Cohen Entertainment District demonstrates a united vision of creating a dynamic destination for the entire city! The District includes the integration of programming that celebrates legacy, sports & leisure, wellness and entertainment by incorporating the following design principles:
An Entertainment Destination: create a dynamic combination of mixed-use elements, which have active frontages, visibility and are visually coherent.
A Place for All: create a pedestrian-friendly promenade, at grade, which links the more active, sports-related areas to the more family-oriented developments.
Active Fields and Open Spaces: create grand open spaces, which are active and comfortable. Additionally terraced landscape within the development will allow for buildings to be set within the space.
A Connected System: create integrated circulation for walking, bicycling, and jogging throughout the property. Develop complete streets, reduce visibility of vehicular parking, and ensure seamless connectivity of the circulation system within the property.
A Resilient System: create a cohesive vocabulary that ties landscape to ecology. Embrace surrounding natural landscapes and views (towards the mountains and the City) and provide for suitable trees and planting based on site and microclimate.
A Cohen Legacy: harness aspects and elements of the existing Cohen Stadium. Create a presence at the edge of the site, which will be a staple of the property and the City (an homage to the Cohen brothers and stadium).